We Exterminate Bed Bug and End Bed Bug Infestations
Bed Bug Control Services
As a homeowner, bed bugs can be your worst nightmare. Nature's Edge Pest Solutions provides Bed Bug Control Services to exterminate bed bugs and prevents them from coming back.
Bed bugs spread when someone comes in contact with them and brings them somewhere else without knowing. People transport them as stowaways. They will hide in luggage, backpacks, beds, couches, and more.
Bed bugs like to cling to moving objects like backpacks, purses, and cloths, so that they can easily fall off. This allows them to spread and relocate. They also often lay eggs on these objects so that they can fall off and hatch in different locations.
Bed Bug Information:
- Bed bugs are quick to multiply & infest your residence
- A single female bed bug can lay 200-500 eggs in a period of seven months
- Bed bug eggs take 6-10 days to hatch after they are laid
- Bed bugs require protein to survive, which is why they feed on people
- Bed bugs only come out at night, making them nocturnal. You may never see them until it's too late
- Bed bugs are difficult to get rid of, especially using only products from local stores.
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Exterminate Your Bed Bug Problem in Four Easy Steps

Don't panic, don't start trashing furniture, and don't start spraying chemicals & bombing your home with over-the-counter products. We have a solution!

We will send a Nature's Edge Professional to your home to conduct a visual inspection and provide you with a free no-obligation quote. Once properly inspected, our dedicated technicians can begin as soon as the next day.

The trained professionals at Nature's Edge will eliminate bed bug infestations using the following treatment methods:
- Working with you to prepare the home for treatment
- Treating your bed, furniture, wall voids, structural guidelines, and other cracks & crevices
- Using the latest bed bug technology to eliminate any adult bed bugs, nymphs, or eggs that may be in your home
- Installing mattress covers to protect your bed from future infestations
- Installing specialized bed bug monitoring devices in your home's rooms that will identify and stop bed bug activity before they make it to your bed
- Tailoring our bed bug solutions to each infestation in order to eliminate infestations quickly

Why Choose Nature's Edge for Your Bed Bug Removal?
- We can quickly remove bed bugs with the latest technology
- Your home will remain protected
- Our Retreatment Guarantee states that if the bed bugs come back, we do too!
- Annual clients can enjoy year-round bed bug protection
- We inspect bed bug monitoring devices and replace them if necessary
- We can retreat if you have any new infestations
- We repair or replace any damaged bed bug mattress covers that were installed during our initial treatment