Identifying Bed Bugs and Their Presence in Your Home
Bed bugs are small, wingless insects known for their ability to hide in cracks and crevices and feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are oval-shaped, flat, and reddish-brown, measuring about 4 to 5 millimeters in length—roughly the size of an apple seed. Bed bugs are most active at night, making them difficult to spot during the day. However, finding live bed bugs in bedding, furniture, or carpeting is a sure sign of an infestation. After feeding, they become more rounded and their bodies appear darker.
Signs of a bed bug infestation often include small, red, itchy bites on exposed skin, typically arranged in clusters or lines. While bites alone are not conclusive evidence, they are a strong indicator when paired with other signs. Look for rust-colored stains or dark spots on sheets, mattresses, or furniture caused by bed bug excrement or crushed bugs. Additionally, bed bugs shed their skins as they grow, leaving behind translucent, papery shells that may be found in or near their hiding spots.
Bed bugs tend to hide in tight spaces such as mattress seams, box springs, headboards, and cracks in furniture or walls. If you suspect their presence, inspect these areas with a flashlight, focusing on folds and crevices. They may also emit a sweet, musty odor in heavily infested areas. Early detection is critical to prevent the infestation from spreading, as bed bugs reproduce rapidly. Professional extermination is often required to fully eradicate these pests, as they are highly resilient to common DIY treatments.
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